Open workday

Hey everyone, we’re going to be having an open workday on November 21st to work on the new speedball field! We really need the help, so if you can come out, come out! We’ll be out there all day getting stuff done! Just come out to the field and we’ll get you set up doing something! Hope to see you there!

We are servants.

Hello everyone,we are having a paintball ministry day this coming Saturday the 20th.Iam praying for a good turnout.Iam also looking for volunteers to work on the speedball field.Iwould like to pass out some well deserved thanks out.To Mr. Terry Durr of T&T CONT, I would like to convey my deepest graditude for his donations to the kingdom and of course to the progress of the speedball field.I would also like to thank Mr. Wayne Headden Read more…

Reaching out

At faith about 17 months ago the youth began a journey by giving their time for his Kingdom,building a paintball field in the woods.I know alot of christians may question ,how can shooting paintballs at the speed of 285 feet per second at each other benifit anyone.It is a combination of factors. Not only teaching them to plan and lead effectively and of course by playing fair.By prayer, memory verses used on the field and Read more…